What is in the NCII Carpentry Course?

The TESDA Carpentry NCII qualification is one of the best qualifications you can have for international or domestic work in the trades. The Carpentry profession enables you to transfer skills to a range of tasks and competencies in the workplace, wherever you are in the world. This includes joinery, shopfitting, commercial building, domestic building and much more.

This course will instruct you in performing fabrication, installing and stripping formwork, cutting, shaping and installing building materials, and techniques that allow you to build in various materials, not only timber.

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What is in this course?

As our training company is focused on International Skills, your training will also combine techniques that you may find in countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand or Canada. You may be able to learn other competencies such as the ones you may view below.

The Following is an example of skills that you may acquire upon enrolling in this course:

  • -Preparing construction materials and tools

  • -Observing procedures, specifications and manual of instruction

  • -Performing measurements and calculations

  • -Maintaining tools and equipment

  • -Preparing / Setting-out building lines

  • -Installing framing for construction tasks

  • -Safety

  • -Communication and Teamwork

  • – Much More…..

Course Duration

The time allotted for Carpentry NC II takes a minimum of 301 hours to accomplish

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₱18,000 Inclusive


Admission Requirements

Common requirements for TESDA courses include:

  • -Copy of Birth Certificate authenticated by NSO

  • -Copy of High School or College Diploma

  • -Certified true copy of Transcript of Records or Form 137

  • -1×1 and 2×2 Pictures

  • -Certification of Good Moral Character

If you think this course is for you and you wish to gain a qualification delivered by on of the United Kingdom’s best known construction training companies, them please complete the form and one of our great team members will be in touch.